Towards a federated metaverse
The metaverse is here: an immersive Web full of social virtual and augmented reality experiences. However, mega-corporations want to lock it down and wall it up to make another addictive, toxic ad-selling platform. We’re taking it in a different direction because we dream of a democratized new era of the Web where creators own their content, users own their data, and no single entity exhibits undue influence on the community as a whole.
Immers Space seeks to free the Immersive Web from the pitfalls of the social media era by using a federated model based on open Web standards such that it cannot be controlled by a tech giant oligopoly, bringing people together across platforms in live shared experiences, and helping creators make a living while respecting user privacy.
Virtual Reign
Immersive social chess in the Immers Space metaverse. Grab some friends and play for free on desktop, mobile, and virtual reality